Leading Transformations

Book description

In this book, you get a first-hand account of how the LEGO Group met these challenges by developing and implementing a framework for change to create a common approach to designing, leading, and anchoring change in a thoughtful, effective and impactful way.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Endorsements
  3. Half-Title
  4. Title
  5. Copyright
  6. Dedication
  7. Contents
  8. Foreword
  9. Acknowledgments
  10. About the Author
  11. 1 Introduction: The LEGO® Group and Its Transformations
    1. How It All Started – Setting Up Business and Early Struggles
    2. The Beginning of the LEGO Group
    3. Quality Above All
    4. Children Need Toys – Even in Hard Times
    5. Experimenting with Plastics
    6. The “LEGO Brick” and Expansion Abroad
    7. LEGO Brand Framework
    8. How to Read This Book
    9. Who Is This Book For?
    10. Transformation vs. Change – What Is the Difference?
    11. Notes
  12. 2 Simplify to Grow: Initial Pilot to Test and Learn
    1. Objectives and Design Principles of the Simplify to Grow Initiative
    2. The Approach and How to Deliver
    3. Different Phases of Implementation Delivery
    4. The Pilot Case – The LEGO Way of Change
    5. Key Learnings from the Pilot
    6. Notes
  13. 3 Creating the LEGO® Way of Change
    1. Change Leadership AND Change Management Matter
    2. What Does “Change” Mean for Us?
    3. The LEGO Way of Change – Unfolding It Even More
    4. Moments That Matter
    5. Notes
  14. 4 Moment 1 – Getting Ready
    1. What Is It?
    2. Possible Signs That Indicate We Need to Get Ready to Change
    3. How People Are Feeling
    4. Why It Matters?
    5. Change Starts with Self - “We Need Not Wait to See What Others Do”
    6. Crafting a Vision for Change – Vision Workshop
    7. How to Bring It into Action?
    8. Notes
  15. 5 Moment 2 – Understanding the Change
    1. What Is It?
    2. Possible signs that indicate we need people to understand the change
    3. How people are feeling
    4. Why It Matters?
    5. Understanding Your Stakeholders
    6. Change Impact Analysis
    7. Change Story Workshop
    8. Change Readiness Assessment
    9. Catch the Catalysts
    10. Notes
  16. 6 Moment 3 – Personalizing the Change
    1. What Is It?
    2. Possible signs that indicate we need to get ready to change
    3. How people are feeling
    4. Why It Matters?
    5. Make It Mine
    6. Activity 2: Make-It-Mine, Building Your Change Journey, and LEGO Serious Play Inspirational Facilitation Overview
    7. The Theory behind LEGO Serious Play
    8. Activity 3: Make-It-Mine and Change Campfire Inspirational Facilitation Overview
    9. Activity 3: Make-It-Mine Inspirational Facilitation Guide “Change Campfire”
    10. Activity 4: Building and Maintaining Personal Resilience
    11. Activity 4: Building and Maintaining Personal Resilience Inspirational Facilitation Overview
    12. Managing Emotional Reactions
    13. Managing Emotional Reactions Inspirational Facilitation Overview
    14. Courageous Conversations
    15. Courageous Conversations Inspirational Facilitation Overview
    16. Notes
  17. 7 Moment 4 – Navigating the Change
    1. What Is It?
    2. Possible signs that indicate we need help navigating the change
    3. How people are feeling
    4. Why It Matters?
    5. What Makes a Good Change Leader?
    6. Change Learning Groups
    7. Notes
  18. 8 Moment 5 – Living the Change
    1. What Is It?
    2. Possible signs that suggest we need help living the change
    3. How people are feeling
    4. Why It Matters?
    5. How and Where Can You Have the Biggest Impact?
    6. Transformation Dashboard – Measuring and Anchoring Change
    7. Keeping It Alive
    8. Moment 5 is no longer critical if…
    9. Notes
  19. 9 Conclusion and Visionary View of the Future
    1. Digital Transformations
    2. Behavioral Science
  20. Index

Product information

  • Title: Leading Transformations
  • Author(s): Gitte Jakobsen
  • Release date: December 2023
  • Publisher(s): Productivity Press
  • ISBN: 9781000986822