© Julia Naomi Rosenfield Boeira 2017

Julia Naomi Rosenfield Boeira, Lean Game Development , https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3216-3_10

10. Measuring and Analyzing

Julia Naomi Rosenfield Boeira

(1)Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

I have talked a lot about how to iterate and that you need ways to measure and analyze your results. Therefore, the first step to measuring the results obtained by your iteration is via feedback in all areas (from the team, users, market, clients, and media).

But what form does the feedback take, and how can you measure it? In addition, how should you analyze it? And what should you do with your analysis? The goal is, in fact, to maximize learning through iterations, thus developing with more quality and safety at ...

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