Chapter 6

Gathering Information

In This Chapter

arrow Understanding the difference between good and bad data

arrow Deciding how to collect your data

arrow Recognising that data collection is an ongoing process

Managing by fact is one of the key Lean Six Sigma principles. You need accurate, consistent and valid data to manage in this way. This chapter focuses on developing a data collection process to ensure the data you collect meets these criteria.

You need to view data collection as a process that needs managing and improving just like all your other processes.

Managing by Fact

Whether you manage a day-to-day process or lead an improvement project, you need accurate data to help you make the right decisions. The following quote summarises the importance of facts:

Unless one can obtain facts and accurate data about the workplace, there can be no control or improvement. It is the task of the middle management and managers below them to ensure the accuracy of their data which enables the company to know the true facts.

—Kaoru Ishikawa, What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese Way

The following sections highlight the importance of good data, focus on the need to review your existing measures and ...

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