Once you have built the edge device circuit as explained in the previous section, go ahead and load the following sketch for ESP8266 into the Arduino Uno board:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Usage: object-name (RX-pin, TX-pin) SoftwareSerial ESP8266 (6, 7); void setup() { // Configure the hardware and software Serial Serial.begin(9600); ESP8266.begin(9600); } // main program logic to run repeatedly void loop() { // keep checking for user input from the Serial Monitor window char cmd = Serial.read(); if (cmd == '1') { AT(); } if (cmd == '2') { connectWifi(); } if (cmd == '3') { CIPSTART(); } if (cmd == '4') { CIPSEND(); } if (cmd == '5') { sendRequest(); } if (cmd == '6') { disconnectWifi(); } } // logic to check whether ...