Mining on a local private network

Mining on the local private blockchain can be started with the following command; we will be using --etherbase to credit all rewards to the account we just created:

$ geth --datadir data --mine --miner.threads=1 --miner.etherbase =0xde2d56b4abc0bf860d25781ca4a87772dec8f8a8

Once started, it will keep running and writing out the logs, as follows:

INFO Successfully sealed new block number=1520 sealhash=7c9374...e035e4 hash=25a8c4...d0ae06 elapsed=5.228sINFO  block reached canonical chain number=1513 hash=7ca5de...5cab58INFO  mined potential block number=1520 hash=25a8c4...d0ae06INFO Commit new mining work number=1521 ...

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