In essence, supervision in Akka Typed refers to the fact that all exceptions thrown from a behavior are caught and acted upon. An action can have one of three forms: resume, restart, and stop.
Let's see how supervision can be defined and which effect it has.
First, let's run our system as it is and observe its output:
... [INFO] Opening Bakery [INFO] Go shopping to Actor[akka://Typed-Bakery/user/Seller#1376187311] [INFO] Mixing Groceries(13,650,130,65) [ERROR] [akka://Typed-Bakery/user/Chef/Mixer_5] null ch12.Mixer$MotorOverheatException at ch12.Mixer$.$anonfun$mix$1(Mixer.scala:19) at$ReceiveBehavior.receive(BehaviorImpl.scala:73) ... at[INFO] PostStop ...