Base styling

Now let's add some base styling. To do this, we will work with the style sheet. Now, the idea of this whole project actually is not to create some great-looking theme, I just want you to get familiar with the PHP code and how themes are set up.

  1. Let's enter the following code:
      body{          font-family: Arial;          font-size:15px;          color:#333;          background:#f4f4f4;          margin:0;          padding:0;          line-height: 1.7em;      }      header{          background: #393939;          color:#fff;          padding:20px 10px;      }      header h1{          color:#fff;          margin:0;      }
  1. Save the code and reload. You will get the following result:

You can see the empty space at the top; this is because we're logged in as an ...

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