The SimilarProductRecommender component

Once the engine template (Similar Products Engine Template) is deployed, built, and trained, we can ask for a recommendation by calling the query endpoint, which will be of the https://<appname> format.

The query-input JSON data for the engine template we currently have will be of the following format:

    {     "items": ["i1"],     "num": 4    }

The results will be of the following format:

      {        "itemScores": [{           "item": "i4",           "score": 0.45        },         {           "item": "i5",           "score": 0.50         }        ]      }

The Apex code to invoke the query API is as follows:

      public class SimilarProductRecommenderController {       @AuraEnabled       public static list<Product2> queryPredictionAPI         (String productId){ list<Product2> lstProducts ...

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