Pushing app to Cloud Foundry and adjusting the settings

Keep calm and cf push.
- Denizens of the Internet

If there's one thing critical to any smooth-running Ops center, it's the need for automation. If we do things by hand, we introduce the risk of drift among our various components in production.

The following section shows some BASH scripts for deploying our microservices-based social media platform, a first step on the path towards automated deployment.

Assuming we've built everything with Gradle, let's kick things off by deploying our Spring Boot uber JARs to Cloud Foundry:

#!/usr/bin/env bash cf push learning-spring-boot-config-server -p config-server/build/libs/learning-spring-boot-config-server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar & cf push learning-spring-boot-eureka-server ...

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