
An alternative way of thinking about these extra slashes is to think in terms of elements.[5] An element takes one of two forms: either a start-tag and an end-tag (whose types must match):

<tag> . . . </tag>

or a single empty-element tag (complete with extra slash):


Note that there is exactly one slash per element.

An element can contain other elements (either matched pairs or empty-element tags), possibly mixed up with flow text. Looking at Example 1.2 this way, there is a single <wml> element (as a matched pair <wml> </wml>), containing a single <card> element (as a matched pair <card> </card>), containing a single <p> element (also as a matched pair, <p> </p>), which in turn contains a single <img> element (as the empty-element tag <img/>).

It’s important to ensure the tags match properly. Mismatching tags such as:


is an error and will prevent the page from being displayed. This should have been written as:


[5] Looking at the document in terms of elements also comes from XML.

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