©  Mark Bell and James Floyd Kelly 2017

Mark Bell and JAMES FLOYD KELLY, LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2262-1_10

10. SnapShotBot: Planning and Design

Mark Bell and James Floyd Kelly2

(1)Northridge, California, USA

(2)Smyrna, Georgia, USA

There are many elements to this challenge’s bot. First, we have to figure out how to properly place the bot in the room. Then, the bot needs to take a picture of the library. After that, the bot needs to circle around the basket (still holding the twine) and return to the team so that they can pull the two ends of the twine to retrieve the basket and the key. Like I said, we have a lot to accomplish with this little bot. So let’s get to work.

SnapShotBot Planning and Design

In Chapter 6, I didn’t show you ...

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