TABLE OF CONTENTS: A model of Leonardo’s design for an aerial screw (helicopter). Private collection, Bridgeman Images. XOT366470

PAGE 6: Cecilia Gallerani, The Lady with the Ermine, 1496. Czartoryski Museum, Cracow, Poland / Bridgeman Images XCZ229152

PAGE 8: Pages from one of Leonardo’s notebooks, he has sketched clouds, plants, a rearing horse, a man in profile, engineering ideas, and more—proof of a curious mind on a single spread of a notebook. Royal Collection Trust © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 2017 / Bridgeman Images ROC478414

PAGE 10: Leonardo recorded notes on his studies of light rays throughout his notebooks. Mondadori Portfolio, Bridgeman Images MEB 944072

PAGE 11: A replica of Newton’s color wheel. ...

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