Podcast Producer
Podcast Producer is an automated video and audio workflow system that you can use to create and distribute lectures, presentations, training, tech-support videos, classroom projects, and software demos. When I say automated, I'm not exaggerating. After Podcast Producer is set up, users can record video, send it to the server, and then wait for it to appear on a website or in iTunes's podcasting section. Educators can have Podcast Producer publish to Apple's iTunes U, part of the iTunes Store, for mass distribution to students. (For more on iTunes U, see www.apple.com/support/itunes_u.)
Podcast Producer is an assembly line: Users put in raw video, and it gets processed and published. While processing, Podcast Producer can encode video in formats for computers or iPhones or iPads[KS1]. Podcast Producer automatically adds introductory and closing videos, titles, and effects; it can even add watermarks or overlays, such as logos or graphics, to the video.
What the assembly line does to the video or audio is defined in workflows, which are lists of tasks that the system will perform on the inputted content. You can edit default workflows, or you can create your own. The workflow also defines the encoding and output.
Because Podcast Producer is server-based, multiple users can input audio and video content over the network. The server can control access to cameras on the network. Lion Server's Xgrid service can farm out video encoding tasks to multiple Macs on the network. ...
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