Chapter 11

Working Well with Networks


check Considering the benefits of a network

check Choosing between wired and wireless networks

check Sharing an Internet connection

check Gathering the stuff you need to network

check Making the network connection

check Securing your MacBook with a firewall

In my opinion, network access ranks right up there with air conditioning and the microwave oven. Like other “I can’t imagine life without them” kinds of technologies, it’s hard to imagine sharing data from your laptop with others around you without a network. I guess you could still use a sneakernet (the old-fashioned term for running back and forth between computers with a floppy disk), but these days, Apple computers don’t even have floppy drives. (Even with a high-capacity USB 3.0 flash drive, a sneakernet is still a hassle — and somewhat of a security risk to boot.)

Nope, networking is here to stay. Whether ...

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