Chapter 8: How Do I Communicate in Real Time?
With your MacBook Pro, you can take advantage of OS X’s real-time communication applications, which are FaceTime and Messages. FaceTime enables you to have video chats with other Mac, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad users. Messages enables you to conduct text, audio, and video chats with users of several chat services, and to share files and even screens while you chat.
Conversing with FaceTime
FaceTime is a great way to communicate because you can both see and hear the person with whom you are chatting. You can use FaceTime to video chat with anyone who uses a Mac, iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad. Using FaceTime is simple, fun, and free; all you need is an Apple ID, which you can get at no cost, if you don’t already have one.
To be able to chat on FaceTime with someone, both people must be running the FaceTime application. It is currently available only for Macs, iPhones, iPod touches, and iPads. Also, the devices involved in a FaceTime chat must be connected to the Internet. (iPhones may support FaceTime over a cell connection in the future.) Only two devices can be involved in a FaceTime chat (unless you’re using Messages—in which case, more than two devices can be involved in chats). You also must know the person’s e-mail address or iPhone number. Before you can start chatting on FaceTime, you must configure some basic settings. After ...