Book description
It’s hardly a secret that the corporate ladder is no longer the path to success it once was. Wayne Rogers—star of the classic TV series M*A*S*H*—has had even more success as a businessman and entrepreneur than as an actor. Applying his own unique viewpoint to a wide range of businesses (a restaurant, a vineyard, a chain of convenience stores, the world of banking, real estate, a film distribution company, and even a famous bridal boutique), the iconoclastic star has steadfastly refused to accept limitations, and boldly forged a path for himself beyond the stifling constraints of the corporate system. Filled with insights and engaging stories, Make Your Own Rules paints a fascinating portrait of how Rogers excelled precisely because he didn’t have prior experience in each of these businesses…or any preconceived notions of how they should be run. Rogers reveals the keys to his success over the past four decades—lessons that are even more important today. After all, in the current economic climate, learning to be creative, challenge convention, and seize unexpected opportunities is not only liberating—it can make all the difference to success. Anyone who yearns to succeed without the burdens of corporate culture can thrive outside the establishment. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a small business owner, changing careers, or just entering the workforce, Make Your Own Rules delivers the inspiration and guidance you need to climb the ladder of your choice.
Table of contents
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents
- Dedication
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
- 1 The Playing Field: Know What You’re Up Against
- 2 Creativity Fuels Success in Both Art and Business
- 3 Finding People You Can Work With
- 4 The Magic of Creative Financing
- 5 Casting Off Conventions
- 6 Do Your Homework
- 7 Just Ask the Customer
- 8 Show Business Laid the Groundwork
- 9 Making the Most of the Banking System
- 10 Wedding Dresses: An Unexpected Case Study
- Epilogue: The Free Market
- Index
- About the Author
Product information
- Title: Make Your Own Rules
- Author(s):
- Release date: January 2011
- Publisher(s): AMACOM
- ISBN: 9780814416587
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