

-> (arrow), 1011

> (greater than), 11

() (parentheses), 74

. (period), 2627

[] (square brackets), 11, 75, 98

| (vertical bar), 11


action keys, 70, 7475

again command, 143

all condition, 1213, 82

animation, 124, 143, 144145

author keyword, 5, 20

AwakeCat object. See cat objects


Background objects. See also floors

in COLLISIONLAYERS section, 10, 69

defining, 67

grass pattern, 2223

backing up games, 66

Bitsy, 148

Blank Project item, 18

Blocker group, 92, 9394, 9596, 9799

Buddy group, 82


Cake Monsters (Rix), 143

cancel keyword, 37

cat objects

drawing, 2730

rules for keeping objects together, 3738

rules for waking and following player, 3235

in WakerUpper group, 3637

in win conditions, 39

collaboration on game design, ...

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