Video description
Do great players make bad teammates? Conventional wisdom holds that A players are often unable to work in teams. But Bain's Michael Mankins begs to differ. Under the right circumstances and in the right company, a focused team composed largely of A players can significantly outperform teams of B or C performers, no matter how talented the latter teams' leaders are. What's more, teaming star talent has a multiplicative effect on productivity and performance; strong subordinates increase their supervisors' productivity, while strong leaders know how to get more out of the people working for them. In this interactive HBR webinar, Mankins shares insights from his recent HBR article, ""Making All Star Teams out of Star Players."" Mankins will describe the four critical steps of creating high-performing teams from A players.Table of contents
- Making Star Teams from Star Players 00:59:20
Product information
- Title: Making Star Teams from Star Players
- Author(s):
- Release date: February 2013
- Publisher(s): Harvard Business Review
- ISBN: None
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