Subject Index


Absenteeism, 389

Accommodation, 472

Accommodative CSR strategy, 76

Accountability, 15

Achievement-oriented leadership style, 363

Acquired needs theory, 408409

Active listening, 468

Adaptive organizations, 285

Administrative principles, 34, 36

Administrators, 15

Affirmative action, 305, 325

Africa, regional economic alliance, 116

Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), 325, 326

Agency theory, 146

Agenda setting, 22

Agreeableness, as Big Five personality trait, 384

Airline Deregulation Act of 1978, C-26

Airline industry

boarding passengers, 164

as oligopoly, 248

price fixing, 6667

strategic alliances, 254255

SWOT analysis, 247

Alternative dispute resolution, 478

The Amazing Race (TV show), 124, 148

Ambition, 377, 399

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 325, 326

Amoral managers, 69

Analytical competency, 163

Analytics, 45, 163, 165, 169, C-32

Anchoring and adjustment bias, 182

Angel investors, 154

Arbitration, 478

Assessment centers, 333

Asset management, 230

Attitudes, 388

Attribution, 380

Authentic leadership, 369370

Authoritarianism, 386

Authority-and-responsibility principle, 286

Auto racing, 430, 442, 457, C-34C-35

Autocratic leadership style, 359

Automation, 419420

Automobile industry

product organization structures, 275

strategic alliances, 255

two-tier wage contracts, 349, C-26C-27

wage and benefits issue, 257

Availability bias, 181

Avoidance, 472


Baby boomers, 39, 89, 90, 422, 463, C-10

Balance sheets, 230

Balanced scorecards, ...

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