Two things help you to be successful in life.The way you manage when you have nothing.The way you behave when you have everything.

Meaning and Concept of Planning


  1. According to __________, ‘Planning is selecting and relating of facts and making and using the assumptions regarding the future in the visualization and formulation of proposed activities believed necessary to achieve desired results.’
    • Fayol
    • Fredrick Taylor
    • George R. Terry
    • Mintzberg
  2. Planning is a (an) __________ and fundamental function of management.
    • Inflexible
    • All-pervasive
    • Obstinate
    • Determined
  3. __________ is an all-pervasive and fundamental function of management.
    • Staffing
    • Directing
    • Controlling
    • Planning
  4. Planning is an all-pervasive and fundamental function ...

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