

Abilities of team members, 62–64

Accessibility, 39

Accessibility of team leaders, 82–83


clarifying, 178

need for systems, 176–177

willingness to accept, 63–64

Accounting, 135

Accounting periods, 135

Accounts payable, 135

Accounts receivable, 135

Accrual basis, 135

Accusatory statements, 149

Achievements, celebrating, 86–88

Acknowledging, 145

Action plans

creating, 164–165

discussing, 151

implementing, 158, 159

in Stop, Start, Continue Exercise, 164–165

Advice, feedback vs., 40–41

Agendas, 98

Amortization, 135

Analysis, 27, 31, 136

Apple Computer, 14

Appreciation, showing, 149–150, 151

Assessment. See Performance appraisals

Assets, defined, 136

Attachments, 108

Attention, focusing, 94, 109–111

Autocratic decision making, ...

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