Managing Kubernetes Performance at Scale


Enterprises are investing in Kubernetes for the promise of rapid time-to-market, business agility, and elasticity at multicloud scale. Modern containerized applications of loosely coupled services are built, deployed, and iterated upon faster than ever before. The potential for businesses—the ability to bring ideas to market faster—has opened the Kubernetes adoption floodgates. Nevertheless, these modern applications introduce extraordinary complexity that challenges the best of teams. Ensuring that you build your platforms for growth and scale today is critical to accelerating the successful adoption of Kubernetes and the cloud-native practices that enable innovation-first operations.

This ebook is for Kubernetes operators who have a platform-first strategy in their sights, and need to assure that all services perform to meet Service-Level Objectives (SLOs) set by their organization. Kubernetes administrators and systems architects will learn about common challenges and operational mechanisms for running production Kubernetes infrastructure based on proven environments across many organizations. As you learn about the software-defined levers that Kubernetes provides, consider what must be managed by you versus what can and should be managed by software.

Building for scale is all about automation. From the mindset and culture to the technologies you adopt and the architectures you introduce, managing elasticity necessitates ...

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