Capítulo 1
1 World Urbanization Prospects, revisión de 2007 (datos online) y Japan Statistics Bureau-Keihin’y o Major Metropolitan Area,
2 «India Still Second Fastest Growing Economy», The Hindu, 27 de julio, 2013, Economy/india-stillsecond-fastest-growing-economy-chidambaram/article4959820.ece/?maneref=http Dindia%2520is%25202nd%2520fastest%2520growing%2520economy%26spell%3D1%26sa%3DX.
3 Barbaro, Michael (2013), «Bloomberg Focuses on Rest (as in Rest of World)», The New York Times, 15 de diciembre, pág. 1.
4 «President ReachesOut to Mayors», Herald Tribune, 15 de diciembre, 2013, pág. 5A.
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