

A. H. Maslow, Brandeis University


1. (With Harry Harlow and Harold Uehling) Delayed reaction tests on primates from the lemur to the Orangoutan. Jour. Comparative Psychol., 13:313–43.

2. (With Harry Harlow) Delayed reaction tests on primates at Bronx Park Zoo. Jour. Comparative Psychol., 14:97–107.

3. The “emotion” of disgust in dogs. Jour. Comparative Psychol., 14:401–07.


4. Food preferences of primates. Jour. of Comparative Psychol., 16:187–97.


5. (With Elizabeth Groshong) Influence of differential motivation on delayed reactions in monkeys. Jour. Comparative Psychol., 18:75–83.

6. The effect of varying external conditions on learning, retention and reproduction. Jour. Experimental Psychol., 17:38–47.

7. The effect of varying time intervals between acts of learning with a note on proactive inhibition. Jour. Experimental Psychol., 17:141–44.


8. Appetites and hungers in animal motivation. Jour. Comparative Psychol., 20:75–83.

9. Individual psychology and the social behavior of monkeys and apes. Int. Jour. of Individ. Psychol., 1:47–59. Reprinted in German translation in Internationale Zeitachrift für Individual Psychologie, 1936, I, 14–25.


10. The role of dominance in the social and sexual behavior of infra-human primates. I. Observations at Vilas Park Zoo. Jour. Genetic Psychol., 48:261–277.

11. (With Sydney Flanzbaum) II. An experimental ...

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