Adding perspective

Before we can animate our z axis, we need to add perspective to our user interface.

Replace the buildCircleLayers method with the following code:

func buildCircleLayers() {   for i in 0..<colors.count  {     let  layer = CALayer()     layer.bounds = CGRect(x: 0.0,                           y: 0.0,                           width: 40.0,                           height: 40.0)     layer.position =  CGPoint(x: 130,                               y: 40)     layer.zPosition = CGFloat(-3 * i)        layer.borderColor = colors[i]     layer.borderWidth = 2.0     layer.cornerRadius = layer.bounds.width * 0.5     circleLayers.append(layer)     cosmicDoor.addSublayer(layer)   }   var perspective = CATransform3DIdentity    perspective.m34 = -0.2    cosmicDoor.sublayerTransform = perspective}  

We iterate through the colors array, as we have done before, and as you can see, ...

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