
In Chapter 22, we discussed the Netscape PerlPlus Plugin and used several PPL programs in our examples. We include two PPL programs in this appendix. The first is the clock-bezier.ppl program, shown in Figure C-3.


Figure C-3. clock-bezier.ppl

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # # This most entertaining program was written in Tcl/Tk by Scott Hess # ( It's a clock that uses a bezier curve anchored # at four points—the hour position, the minute position, the second # position and the center of the clock—to show the time. # # <Button-1> switches between display modes, and <Button-2> switches # between line thicknesses. # # Perl/Tk version by Stephen.O.Lidie@Lehigh.EDU, 2000/02/05. use POSIX qw/asin/; use Tk; use subs qw/buildclock hands setclock/; use vars qw/$clock %hand $mw $pi180 $resize/; use strict; %hand = ( hour => 0.40, minute => 0.75, second => 0.85, 0 => 0.00, intick => 0.95, outtick => 1.00, width => 0.05, scale => 100, type => 'bezier', types => [qw/normal curve angle bezier/], tindx => 3, normal => [qw/minute 0 0 second 0 0 hour 0 0 minute/], curve => [qw/minute 0 second 0 hour 0 minute/], angle => [qw/minute second second hour/], bezier => [qw/minute second 0 hour/], tick => [qw/intick outtick/], ); $pi180 = asin(1) / 90.0; $resize = 0; $mw = MainWindow->new; $clock = $mw->Canvas(qw/-width 200 -height 200/); $clock->pack(qw/-expand 1 -fill both/); ...

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