

.a extension for libraries, 196

accessors, creating, 124

action buttons, adding, 55–56


adding and removing, 301

nibs, 48

post-Build-action actions, 301

Activity Viewer, 33

Add Files sheet, 72–73, 204

Add to Targets option, for adding files, 73


actions, 301

breakpoints, 24

files to projects. See files, adding to projects

repositories manually, 359–361

addresses (memory), 246–247

analysis. See debugging and analysis

Analyze action, 189, 234

App Store, submitting applications to, 139

AppKit.framework, 197


Cocoa documentation, 49

developer forums, 42

documentation errors, 42

iOS Developer Program, 260

Application Help Books, 93

application icons, customizing, 127–133

application icons, setting, 131–132

artwork, 128

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