Video description
In this Matplotlib for Developers training course, expert author Christopher Roach will teach you everything you need to know about data visualization and analysis with Python. This course is designed for users that already have a basic understanding of Python.
You will start by learning about pyplot, including learning about the plot function, custom plotting, subplots, and complex subplots. From there, Christopher will teach you about the matplotlib architecture, how to configure matplotlib, and about interactivity. Finally, this video tutorial covers maps in matplotlib and the matplotlib ecosystem.
Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have learned everything you need to know about data visualization and analysis with Python. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons.
Table of contents
- What Is Matplotlib 00:03:09
- About The Course 00:02:53
- About The Author 00:00:48
First Steps
- Getting The Code 00:04:22
- Installing Matplotlib 00:18:32
- Quick Exploratory Data Analysis Example 00:18:46
- Using Matplotlib With Jupyter 00:07:16
- The Interfaces Of Matplotlib: Pylab, pyplot And OO API 00:10:03
- Introduction To pyplot 00:09:33
- The Plot Function 00:10:08
- More Plotting 00:12:20
- Custom Plotting - Parallel Coordinates 00:07:19
- Subplots 00:06:41
- Adjusting Subplot Parameters 00:02:26
- Custom Plotting - Scatterplot Matrix 00:05:17
- Complex Subplots 00:05:03
Under The Hood
- The Matplotlib Architecture 00:09:37
- Anatomy Of A Graphic 00:03:44
- How pyplot Works 00:13:40
- Troubleshooting pyplot Issues 00:08:26
Configuring Matplotlib
- Configuration: rcParams And matplotlibrc 00:08:50
- Style Sheets 00:07:29
- Custom Style Sheets 00:09:18
- Event Handling 00:12:58
- Creating An Interface With ipywidgets 00:07:43
- Refining An ipywidgets Interface 00:14:26
Maps In Matplotlib
- What Is A Map Projection? 00:04:52
- Basemap 00:08:45
- Creating A Choropleth With Matplotlib 00:16:10
- Creating A Dot Density Map 00:14:47
- The Matplotlib Ecosystem
- Conclusion 00:01:35
Product information
- Title: Matplotlib for Developers
- Author(s):
- Release date: March 2016
- Publisher(s): Infinite Skills
- ISBN: 9781771375429
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