MCAD/MCSD Training Guide (70-315): Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Visual C# and Visual Studio .NET

Book description

This certification exam measures the ability to develop and implement Web-based applications with Web forms, ASP.NET, and the Microsoft .NET Framework. This exam counts as a core credit toward the new MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developer) certification as well as a core credit toward the existing MCSD certification. Readers preparing for this exam find our Training Guide series to be the most successful self-study tool in the market. This book is their one-stop shop because of its teaching methodology, the accompanying ExamGear testing software, and superior Web site support at

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. A Note from Series Editor Ed Tittel
  3. About the Author
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. We Want to Hear from You!
  6. How to Use This Book
    1. Chapter Opener
    2. Instructional Features Within the Chapter
    3. Extensive Review and Self-test Options
  7. Introduction
    1. How This Book Helps You
      1. Organization
      2. Instructional Features
      3. Extensive Practice Test Options
      4. Final Review
    2. What the Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Exam (70-315) Covers
      1. Creating User Services
      2. Creating and Managing Components and .NET Assemblies
      3. Consuming and Manipulating Data
      4. Testing and Debugging
      5. Deploying a Web Application
      6. Maintaining and Supporting a Web Application
      7. Configuring and Securing a Web Application
    3. What You Should Know Before Reading This Book
    4. Hardware and Software You'll Need
    5. Advice on Taking the Exam
  8. Study and Exam Prep Tips
    1. Study Tips
      1. Study Strategies
        1. Macro and Micro Study Strategies
        2. Active Study Strategies
        3. Common Sense Strategies
      2. Pretesting Yourself
    2. Exam Prep Tips
      1. The MCP Exam
      2. Exam Forms
        1. Fixed-Form Exams
        2. Adaptive-Form Exams
          1. The Adaptive-Exam Process
      3. New Question Types
        1. Simulation Questions
          1. A Typical Simulation Question
      4. Putting It All Together
        1. More Preexam Preparation Tips
        2. Tips for the Exam Session
        3. Tips for Fixed-Form Exams
        4. Tips for Adaptive Exams
        5. Tips for Simulation Questions
    3. Final Considerations
  9. I. Developing Web Applications
    1. 1. Introducing Web Forms
      1. Introduction
      2. Key Concepts
        1. An Overview of the .NET Framework
          1. The Common Language Runtime
          2. The Framework Class Library
        2. An Overview of the Development Tools
          1. The .NET Framework SDK
          2. ASP.NET Web Matrix Project
          3. Visual Studio .NET
        3. Understanding Classes, Inheritance, and Namespaces
          1. Classes
          2. Inheritance
          3. Namespaces
      3. Introduction to ASP.NET
        1. Advantages of ASP.NET
        2. Creating an ASP.NET Page
        3. Understanding the ASP.NET Page Execution
        4. The Page Class
        5. Stages in Page Processing
      4. ASP.NET Directives
        1. The Page Directive
      5. Event Handling
        1. Elements of Event Handling
          1. Event Arguments
          2. Event Handlers
          3. Delegates
          4. Events
          5. Event Raising Methods
        2. Publishing and Subscribing to an Event
          1. Publishing an Event
          2. Subscribing to an Event
      6. Event Handling in ASP.NET
        1. Handling Events by Overriding the Virtual, Protected Method of the Base Class
        2. Handling Events by Attaching a Delegate
        3. Handling Events of the Page Class Through AutoEventWireup
      7. Separating User Interface from Business Logic
        1. Using Code-Behind Without Precompilation
        2. Using Code-Behind with Precompilation
        3. Creating a Web Form Using Visual Studio .NET
          1. Analyzing the User Interface Piece of a Web Form
          2. Analyzing the Business Logic Piece of a Web Form
      8. Chapter Summary
      9. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 1.1. Creating and Managing Virtual Directories
          2. 1.2. Using Reflection to Find Information About the Page Class
          3. 1.3. Using MSIL Disassembler (ildasm.exe)
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    2. 2. Controls
      1. Introduction
      2. HTML Controls
      3. HTML Server Controls
        1. The Classes in the System.Web.UI.HtmlControls Namespace
          1. The HtmlForm Class
        2. Event Handling for HTML Server Controls
          1. Server-Side Event Handling for HTML Server Controls
          2. Client-Side Event Handling for HTML Server Controls
      4. Web Server Controls
        1. Common Web Server Controls
          1. The Label Control
          2. The TextBox Control
          3. The Image Control
          4. The CheckBox and RadioButton Controls
          5. The Button, LinkButton, and ImageButton Controls
        2. Event Handling for Web Server Controls
          1. Client-Side Event Handling for Web Server Controls
        3. The List Controls
        4. The PlaceHolder and Panel Controls
        5. The Table, TableRow, and TableCell Controls
        6. The AdRotator Control
        7. The Calendar Control
      5. User Input Validation
        1. Controls That Can Be Validated
        2. The BaseValidator Class
        3. Using the Page.Validate() Method and Page.IsValid Property
        4. Client-Side Validation for ASP.NET Server Controls
        5. Validation Web Server Controls
          1. The RequiredFieldValidator Control
          2. The RegularExpressionValidator Control
          3. The RangeValidator Control
          4. The CompareValidator Control
          5. The CustomValidator Control
        6. The ValidationSummary Control
      6. Cascading Style Sheets
        1. Using Style Sheets with Web Forms
        2. Creating Styles to Format Web Controls
      7. Chapter Summary
      8. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 2.1. Finding the click position in an Image
          2. 2.2. Registering Client-Side Script
          3. 2.3. Using the Xml Control
          4. 2.4. Change Password Screen
          5. 2.5. Using the HyperLink Control
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    3. 3. Implementing Navigation for the User Interface
      1. Introduction
      2. Roundtrip and Postback
        1. The IsPostBack Property
        2. The SmartNavigation Property
      3. ASP.NET Intrinsic Objects
        1. The HttpRequest Object
        2. The HttpResponse Object
        3. The HttpServerUtility Object
      4. ASP.NET Application
        1. The global.asax File
        2. Global Event Handlers
          1. Application and Session Level Events
          2. Per-Request Events
      5. State Management
        1. Client-Side Techniques for State Management
          1. Query Strings
          2. Cookies
          3. Hidden Fields
          4. View State
            1. View State for Postback Controls
            2. View State for Non-postback Controls
          5. View State for Page-Level Values
            1. Disabling View State
            2. Protecting View State
          6. Choosing a Client-Side State Management Technique
        2. Server-Side Techniques for State Management
          1. Session State
            1. Comparing ASP.NET Session State with ASP
            2. Using Session State
          2. Application State
      6. Navigation Between Pages
        1. The Response.Redirect() Method
        2. The Server.Transfer() Method
        3. The Server.Execute() Method
      7. Chapter Summary
      8. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 3.1. Using Session State to Create a Shopping Cart
          2. 3.2. Creating a Wizard-like User Interface
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    4. 4. Error Handling for the User Interface
      1. Introduction
      2. Understanding Exceptions
      3. Handling Exceptions
        1. The try Block
        2. The catch Block
        3. The throw Statement
        4. The finally Block
      4. Creating and Using Custom Exceptions
      5. Managing Unhandled Exceptions
        1. Using Custom Error Pages
          1. Setting a Custom Error Page for a Specific Page
        2. Using Error Events
          1. Using the Page.Error Event
          2. Using the Application.Error Event
      6. Chapter Summary
      7. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 4.1. Emailing Unhandled Exceptions
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    5. 5. Data Binding
      1. Introduction
      2. Bind Data to the User Interface
        1. Simple Data Binding
          1. Binding to Public Members
          2. Binding to Control Properties
        2. Complex Data Binding
          1. Binding to a DropDownList or ListBox Control
          2. Binding to a CheckBoxList or RadioButtonList Control
          3. Binding to a DataGrid Control
        3. The DataBind() Method
        4. Using the Data Form Wizard
          1. Building a Single-Table Data Form
          2. Building a Multiple-Table Data Form
      3. Transform and Filter Data
        1. Using Server Explorer
          1. Adding a Data Connection
          2. Object Design from Server Explorer
          3. Drag and Drop from Server Explorer
        2. Filtering Data
          1. Filtering with a DataView Object
          2. Filtering at the Database Server
        3. Transforming Data
      4. Using Controls to Display Data
        1. The Repeater Control
        2. The DataList Control
        3. Editing Data with a DataList Control
      5. Chapter Summary
      6. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 5.1. Using Simple Data Binding to Display Information from an Array
          2. 5.2. Use Simple Data Binding to Display Information From a Database
          3. 5.3. Use Complex and Simple Data Binding With a DropDownList Control
          4. 5.4. Create a Master-Detail Data Form
          5. 5.5. Using a DataView Object to Filter Data at Runtime
          6. 5.6. Use SelectedIndex in a DataList Control
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    6. 6. Consuming and Manipulating Data
      1. Introduction
      2. Access and Manipulate SQL Server Data
        1. Using Ad Hoc Queries
          1. Running Queries
            1. Using the Visual Studio .NET IDE
            2. Using osql
            3. Using the SQL Query Analyzer
            4. Using a Visual C# .NET Application
          2. The SELECT Statement
          3. The INSERT Statement
          4. The UPDATE Statement
          5. The DELETE Statement
        2. Using Stored Procedures
          1. Creating a Stored Procedure
          2. Running Stored Procedures from the .NET Framework
          3. Using Parameters in Stored Procedures
          4. Using the @@IDENTITY Variable
      3. Access and Manipulate Data
        1. Working with Disk Files
          1. Using the File Class
          2. Using Streams and Backing Stores
          3. Using the FileStream Class
          4. Using the StreamReader and StreamWriter Classes
          5. Using the BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Classes
        2. The ADO.NET Object Model
          1. Data Providers and Their Objects
            1. The SqlConnection Object
            2. The SqlCommand and SqlParameter Objects
            3. The SqlDataReader Object
            4. The SqlDataAdapter Object
          2. The DataSet Objects
            1. The DataTable Object
            2. The DataRelation Object
            3. The DataRow Object
            4. The DataColumn Object
            5. The DataView Object
        3. Using DataSet Objects
          1. Populating a DataSet Object from a Database
          2. Moving Around in DataSet Objects and Retrieving Data
          3. Using Strongly Typed DataSet Objects
          4. Using DataSet Objects with Multiple Tables
          5. Finding and Sorting Data in DataSet Objects
        4. Editing Data with ADO.NET
          1. Updating Data
          2. Adding Data
          3. Deleting Data
          4. Editing with a DataGrid Control
        5. Using XML Data
          1. Understanding XML
          2. Using the XmlNode, XmlDocument, XmlTextReader, and XmlTextWriter Classes
          3. Treating XML as Relational Data
      4. Handle Data Errors
        1. Handling Database Errors
        2. Handling Multiuser Errors
      5. Chapter Summary
      6. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 6.1. Preselecting Data by Using Parameterized Stored Procedures
          2. 6.2. Transferring Database Data to a Disk File
          3. 6.3. Using Transactions with ADO.NET
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    7. 7. Creating and Managing .NET Components and Assemblies
      1. Introduction
      2. Creating and Using .NET Components
        1. Creating a Component
      3. Creating and Using Web User Controls
        1. Creating a Web User Control
        2. Loading Web User Controls Programmatically
      4. Creating and Using Web Custom Controls
        1. Creating a Composite Control
        2. Creating a Derived Control
        3. Creating a Control from Scratch
        4. Custom Control Choices
      5. Creating and Managing .NET Assemblies
        1. Single-file and Multifile Assemblies
        2. Static and Dynamic Assemblies
        3. Private and Shared Assemblies
        4. Satellite and Resource-Only Assemblies
      6. Chapter Summary
      7. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 7.1. Events from a Composite Control
          2. 7.2. Getting Types in an Assembly
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    8. 8. Web Services
      1. Introduction
      2. Understanding Web Services
        1. SOAP
        2. Disco and UDDI
        3. WSDL
        4. Invoking Your First Web Service
      3. Creating Web Services
        1. Creating a Web Service Project
        2. Testing the Web Service Project
      4. Discovering Web Services
        1. Disco and UDDI
        2. Using the Web Services Discovery Tool (disco.exe)
      5. Instantiating and Invoking Web Services
        1. Creating Proxy Classes with the Web Services Description Language Tool (wsdl.exe)
        2. Using Web References
        3. Testing a Web Service
      6. Chapter Summary
      7. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 8.1. Calling a Web Service Asynchronously
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    9. 9. Globalization
      1. Introduction
      2. Understanding Localization and Globalization
        1. The Localization Process
        2. What Should Be Localized?
      3. Implementing Localization for the User Interface
        1. Understanding Cultures
          1. About Culture Codes
          2. The CultureInfo Class
          3. The CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture Properties
          4. The Invariant Culture
        2. Displaying Localized Information
        3. Setting Culture Properties
        4. Working with Resource Files
          1. Localizing Resources at Runtime
      4. Converting Existing Encodings
        1. Understanding Unicode and Encodings
        2. Converting Encodings
      5. Implementing Mirroring
        1. Understanding Mirroring
        2. Mirroring in .NET
      6. Validating Non-Latin User Input
        1. String Indexing
        2. Comparing and Sorting Data
      7. Chapter Summary
      8. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 9.1. Using Localized Calendars
          2. 9.2. Retrieving Region Information
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    10. 10. Working with Legacy Code
      1. Introduction
      2. Incorporating Existing Code
        1. Running ASP and ASP.NET Together
        2. Converting ASP Pages to ASP.NET
        3. Using Late-Bound COM Components
      3. Using ActiveX Controls
      4. Using COM Components
        1. Understanding Runtime Callable Wrappers
        2. Using the Type Library Importer Tool (tlbimp.exe)
        3. Using COM Components Directly
      5. Using COM+ Components
      6. Using Platform Invoke
      7. Chapter Summary
      8. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 10.1. Finishing the Conversion
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    11. 11. User Assistance and Accessibility
      1. Introduction
      2. Implementing User Assistance
        1. Using a Second Browser Window
        2. Using the Search Pane
        3. Embedding Help
        4. Other User Assistance Alternatives
      3. Implementing Accessibility Features
        1. Understanding Accessible Design Guidelines
        2. The W3C Guidelines
        3. The Section 508 Guidelines
        4. Making a Web Application Accessible
        5. Testing Application Accessibility
      4. Chapter Summary
      5. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 11.1. Using Tooltips for User Assistance
          2. 11.2. Row and Column Headers for Tables
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
      6. Suggested Readings and Resources
  10. II. Testing, Debugging, and Deploying a Web Application
    1. 12. Testing and Debugging a Web Application
      1. Introduction
      2. Testing
        1. Creating a Test Plan
        2. Executing Tests
          1. Unit Testing
          2. Integration Testing
          3. Regression Testing
        3. Testing International Applications
      3. Tracing
        1. Using the TraceContext Class
        2. Using the Trace and Debug Classes
        3. Trace Listeners
        4. Trace Switches
        5. Conditional Compilation
      4. Debugging
        1. Setting Breakpoints and Stepping Through Program Execution
        2. Analyzing Program State to Resolve Errors
        3. Debugging on Exceptions
        4. Debugging a Running Process
        5. Debugging a Remote Process
        6. Debugging the Code in DLL Files
        7. Debugging Client-Side Scripts
      5. Chapter Summary
      6. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 12.1. Creating Custom Trace Switch
          2. 12.2. Debugging SQL Server Stored Procedures Using Visual C# .NET
          3. 12.3. Setting Conditional Breakpoints Using Visual C# .NET
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    2. 13. Deploying a Web Application
      1. Introduction
      2. Deployment Tools
        1. XCOPY Deployment
        2. FTP Deployment
        3. Microsoft Windows Installer
      3. Deploying a Web Application
        1. Creating a Web Setup Project
      4. Customizing Web Setup Projects
        1. Using the File System Editor
        2. Using the Registry Editor
        3. Using the File Types Editor
        4. Using the User Interface Editor
        5. Using the Custom Actions Editor
        6. Using the Launch Conditions Editor
      5. Shared Assemblies
        1. Assigning a Strong Name to an Assembly
        2. Adding an Assembly to the GAC
          1. Using Windows Installer to Add an Assembly to the GAC
          2. Using Windows Explorer to Add an Assembly to the GAC
          3. Using the .NET Framework Configuration Tool to Add an Assembly to the GAC
          4. Using Global Assembly Cache Tool (gacutil.exe) to Add an Assembly to the GAC
        3. Referencing an Assembly from the GAC
        4. How the CLR Locates Assemblies
        5. Delay Signing an Assembly
          1. Delay Signing Using the Assembly Linker Tool
        6. Creating a Merge Module Project
      6. Creating Installation Components
        1. Understanding the Installer Class
        2. Working with Predefined Installation Components
        3. Deploying an Assembly That Contains the Installation Components
          1. Deploying an Installation Component by Using the Web Setup Project
          2. Deploying an Installation Component by Using the Installer Tool (installutil.exe)
        4. Working with Installer Classes
          1. Performing Install-Time Compilation
      7. Cab Project
      8. Scalable and Reliable Deployment
        1. Web Garden
        2. Web Farms
        3. Clusters
      9. Methods of Deployment
        1. Deployment via Removable Media
        2. Web-Based Deployment
      10. Chapter Summary
      11. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 13.1. Using Microsoft's Sample .NET Framework Bootstrapper
          2. 13.2. Creating Database Script During Installation
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
  11. III. Maintaining and Configuring a Web Application
    1. 14. Maintaining and Supporting a Web Application
      1. Introduction
      2. Getting Process Information
        1. Getting Information for a Windows Process
        2. Getting Information for the ASP.NET Worker Processes
      3. Working with Event Logs
        1. Writing to Event Logs
        2. Reading from Event Logs
      4. Working with Performance Counters
        1. Reading Performance Data of Running Processes
        2. Publishing Performance Data
      5. Designing a Web Application for Performance
      6. Chapter Summary
      7. Apply Your Knowledge
        1. Exercises
          1. 14.1. Getting Module Information for a Process
          2. 14.2. Getting Performance Information
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
    2. 15. Configuring a Web Application
      1. Introduction
      2. Configuring a Web Application
        1. Anatomy of a Configuration File
        2. The Configuration File Hierarchy
        3. Reading Configuration Settings from Code
      3. Configuring Security
        1. Configuring Authentication
          1. No Authentication
          2. IIS and ASP.NET Authentication
          3. Authentication Providers
          4. Configuring IIS Authentication
          5. Passport Authentication
          6. Forms Authentication
        2. Configuring Authorization
          1. Implementing Impersonation
          2. Using Role-based Authorization
      4. Using Caching
        1. Output Caching
        2. Fragment Caching
        3. Data Caching
        1. Using Session State Within a Process
        2. Using Session State Service
        3. Using Microsoft SQL Server to Store Session State
      6. Installing and Configuring Server Services
        1. Installing and Configuring IIS
        2. Installing and Configuring FrontPage Server Extensions
      7. Chapter Summary
        1. Exercises
          1. 15.1. Performing Variable Caching Programmatically
          2. 15.2. Implementing File-based Dependencies for the Items in Data Cache
        2. Review Questions
        3. Exam Questions
        4. Answers to Review Questions
        5. Answers to Exam Questions
          1. Suggested Readings and Resources
  12. IV. Final Review
    1. Fast Facts Designing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
      1. Creating User Services
        1. Create ASP.NET pages
          1. Add and set directives on ASP.NET pages
          2. Separate user interface resources from business logic
        2. Add Web server controls, HTML server controls, user controls, and HTML code to ASP.NET pages
          1. Set properties on controls
          2. Load controls dynamically
          3. Apply templates
          4. Set styles on ASP.NET pages by using cascading style sheets
          5. Instantiate and invoke an ActiveX control
        3. Implement navigation for the user interface
          1. Manage the view state
          2. Manage data during postback events
          3. Use session state to manage data across pages
        4. Validate user input
          1. Validate non-Latin user input
        5. Implement error handling in the user interface
          1. Configure custom error pages
          2. Implement Global.asax, application, page-level, and page event error handling
        6. Implement online user assistance
        7. Incorporate existing code into ASP.NET pages
        8. Display and update data
          1. Transform and filter data
          2. Bind data to the user interface
          3. Use controls to display data
        9. Instantiate and invoke Web service services or components
          1. Instantiate and invoke a Web service
          2. Instantiate and Invoke a COM or COM+ Component
          3. Instantiate and invoke a .NET component
          4. Call native functions by using platform invoke
        10. Implement globalization
          1. Implement localizability for the user interface
          2. Convert existing encodings
          3. Implement right-to-left and left-to-right mirroring
          4. Prepare culture-specific formatting
        11. Handle events
          1. Create event handlers
          2. Raise events
        12. Implement accessibility features
        13. Use and edit intrinsic objects. Intrinsic objects include response, request, session, server, and application
          1. Retrieve values from the properties of intrinsic objects
          2. Set values on the properties of intrinsic objects
          3. Use intrinsic objects to perform operations
      2. Creating and Managing Components and .NET Assemblies
        1. Create and modify a .NET assembly
          1. Create and implement satellite assemblies
          2. Create resource-only assemblies
        2. Create Web custom controls and Web user controls
      3. Consuming and Manipulating Data
        1. Access and manipulate data from a Microsoft SQL Server database by creating and using ad hoc queries and stored procedures
        2. Access and manipulate data from a data store. Data stores include relational databases, XML documents, and flat files; methods include XML techniques and ADO.NET
        3. Handle data errors
      4. Testing and Debugging
        1. Create a unit test plan
        2. Implement tracing
          1. Add trace listeners and trace switches to an application
          2. Display trace output
        3. Debug, rework, and resolve defects in code
          1. Configure the debugging environment
          2. Create and apply debugging code to components, pages, and applications
          3. Provide multicultural test data to components, pages, and applications
          4. Execute tests
          5. Resolve errors and rework code
      5. Deploying a Web Application
        1. Plan the deployment of a Web application
          1. Plan a deployment that uses removable media
          2. Plan a Web-based deployment
          3. Plan the deployment of an application to a Web garden, a Web farm, or a cluster
        2. Create a setup program that installs a Web application and allows for the application to be uninstalled
        3. Deploy a Web application
        4. Add assemblies to the Global Assembly Cache
      6. Maintaining and Supporting a Web Application
        1. Optimize the performance of a Web application
        2. Diagnose and resolve errors and issues
      7. Configuring and Securing a Web Application
        1. Configure a Web application
          1. Modify the web.config file
          2. Modify the Machine.config file
          3. Add and modify application settings
        2. Configure security for a Web application
          1. Select and configure authentication type. Authentication types include Windows Authentication, None, forms-based, Microsoft Passport, Internet Information Services (IIS) authentication, and custom authentication
        3. Configure authorization
          1. Configure role-based authorization
          2. Implement impersonation
        4. Configure and implement caching. Caching types include output, fragment, and data
          1. Use a cache object
          2. Use cache directives
        5. Configure and implement session state in various topologies such as a web garden and a web farm
          1. Use session state within a process
          2. Use session state with session state service
          3. Use session state with Microsoft SQL Server
        6. Install and configure server services
          1. Install and configure a Web server
          2. Install and configure Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions
    2. Practice Exam
      1. Exam Questions
      2. Answers To Exam Questions
  13. V. Appendixes
    1. A. Glossary
    2. B. Overview of the Certification Process
      1. Types of Certification
      2. Certification Requirements
        1. How to Become an MCP
        2. How to Become an MCSA
          1. MCSA Core Exams
          2. MCSA Elective Exams
        3. How to Become an MCSE
          1. MCSE Operating System Exams
          2. MCSE Design Exam
          3. MCSE Elective Exams
        4. How to Become an MCAD
          1. MCAD Core Exams
          2. MCAD Elective Exams
        5. How to Become an MCSD
          1. The MCSD for Microsoft .NET Track
            1. MCSD for Microsoft .NET Track Core Exams
            2. MCSD for Microsoft .NET Track Elective Exams
          2. The MCSD Old Track
            1. MCSD Old Track Core Exams
            2. MCSD Old Track Elective Exams
        6. How to Become an MCDBA
          1. MCDBA Core Exams
        7. MCDBA Elective Exams
        8. How to Become an MCT
    3. C. What's on the CD-ROM
      1. PrepLogic Practice Tests, Preview Edition
      2. An Exclusive Electronic Version of the Text
      3. Complete Code Examples
    4. D. Using the PrepLogic, Preview Edition, Software
      1. The Exam Simulation
      2. Question Quality
      3. The Interface Design
      4. The Effective Learning Environment
      5. Software Requirements
      6. Installing PrepLogic Practice Tests, Preview Edition
      7. Removing PrepLogic Practice Tests, Preview Edition from Your Computer
      8. Using PrepLogic Practice Tests, Preview Edition
        1. Starting a Practice Test Mode Session
        2. Starting a Flash Review Mode Session
        3. Standard PrepLogic Practice Tests, Preview Edition Options
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        5. Getting Your Examination Score Report
        6. Reviewing Your Exam
      9. Contacting PrepLogic
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        2. Product Suggestions and Comments
      10. License Agreement
    5. E. Suggested Readings and Resources
      1. .NET User Assistance
      2. Books
      3. Web Sites

Product information

  • Title: MCAD/MCSD Training Guide (70-315): Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Visual C# and Visual Studio .NET
  • Author(s): Amit Kalani
  • Release date: December 2002
  • Publisher(s): Pearson IT Certification
  • ISBN: 0789728222