3Embedded Flash and EEPROM for Smart IoT

3.1 Introduction to eFlash and eEEPROM for Smart IoT

3.1.1 Overview of eFlash and eEEPROM for Smart IoT

As the world has become more electronically interconnected, the evolution of the smart Internet of Things has increased the need for low cost microcontrollers that can control environmental sensors, store the data they gather in nonvolatile memory, control the distribution and analysis of these data, and also control feedback and use of this analysis back to the source. The embedded nonvolatile memory needs to have attributes different from the standalone memory in high volume production today.

It must first of all be low cost and producible in high volume conventional CMOS processes. Since standalone Flash memory has evolved with its own complex technology, this embedded Flash memory variation needs to be made compatible with the standard CMOS logic processes available in the various foundries. Any cost adders to the CMOS logic process, such as additional masks or process steps, can cause unacceptable cost increases to the product. Adding new or exotic materials to the CMOS logic process also can cause the cost to increase unacceptably as well as, potentially, affect the reliability of the end product. These considerations mean the first option for embedded nonvolatile memory must lie in some variation of the conventional Flash/EEPROM nonvolatile memory that is compatible with the CMOS logic process

Normal memory considerations ...

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