The Spells

Around Alias

Call the previous, aliased version of a method from a redefined method.

 class​ String
 alias_method​ ​:old_reverse​, ​:reverse
 def​ reverse
 "abc"​.reverse ​# => "xcbax"

For more information, see page Around Alias.

Blank Slate

Remove methods from an object to turn them into Ghost Methods (Ghost Method).

 class​ C
 def​ method_missing(name, *args)
 "a Ghost Method"
 obj =
 obj.to_s ​# => "#<C:0x007fbb2a10d2f8>"
 class​ D < BasicObject
 def​ method_missing(name, *args)
 "a Ghost Method"
 blank_slate =
 blank_slate.to_s ​# => "a Ghost Method"

For more information, see page Blank Slate.

Class Extension

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