Chapter 7
Enumeration with G e n e rating
In this chapter, we will again take up the topic of enumeration that was considered in Chap-
ter 2. Using generating functions (GFs), we are going to broaden our horizons by embracing
enumeration operators
on sets. This is not just a new application of GFs, it is a different point
of view. We now associate a GF not with a sequence but with a set. Later it will be shown how
the two approaches complement each other. This view of generating functions, like much of
the mathematics we use in the analysis of algorithms, goes back to Pierre Simon de Laplace
Much of this theory was developed by Leonhard Euler, and had a rebirth in the 20th century
with the appearance of the
Symbolic Method
, also called
Combinatorial Calculus
, since it
unifies these branches of mathematics.
The topics of enumeration, combinatorics, and number theory were called higher arithmetic
in previous periods, and were classified as pure mathematics. The need to analyze algorithms
transformed them to engineering mathematics since nearly all such analyses are reduced at
some point to an enumeration of features in combinatorial structures (such as strings, graphs,
or Turing machine traces, etc.). Generating functions provide the theoretical apparatus for
this field. We present and illustrate their uses in various problems on enumeration. Our
exposition, and much of its content, have been inspired by the work of Philippe Flajolet and
his students.
7.1 Definition of Enumerators
Let S be a countable set of elements, such as numbers, words, graphs, coins, computer pro-
grams, other sets, etc. When is such a set acceptable (or well-defined)? We already en-
countered this question, on page 80, and answered that a proper set definition provides an
Pierre Simon de Laplace (1749–1827) was one of the greatest French mathematicians.
Chapter 7. Enumeration with Generating Functions
unambiguous answer to the membership question, that is, whether an element belongs to the
set, or not. We use the notation a S to signify that a is an element in the set S, and a / S
How can we determine that a set is acceptable? Technically, this is phrased as a re-
quirement of the set to have a characteristic function. Such a function, defin ed on the
universe of all elements potentially in the set, specifies the membership in the set. For
example, it may have the value one for the elements in the set and zero otherwise. In
nearly all practical situations, the membership pr oblem is simple. Difficulties sometimes
arise with sets of sets, or with sets that are defined by self-referential mea ns. Here is a
famous example: a grou p of men consists of two sets: those who shave themselves, and
those wh o are shaved by the barber (a man). To which set does the barber belong? This
is in fact a case of poor terminology. But sometimes the difficulty is genuine, as dealing
with sets that contain themselves. While this case is probably never relevant to the kind
of enumeratio ns we do, it serves as a good warning about the care needed in definitions.
Definition 7.1 (weight)
A weight function w of a set S assigns a non-negative integer to every element of the set.
Formally this is expressed by w : S N.
While there is no formal reason for restriction of the range of the w eight function to be the set
of nonnegative integers only, the intended application, which uses these weights as powers,
suggests why we never use a different set of values. It should be noted that weight functions
with non-negative real values are used in many applications. For instance, the fuzzy set theory
considers a characteristic function that defines membership as a function with values in the
interval [0,1] rather than in binary set {0,1}, as we do. This theory was invented by Lotfi
A. Zadeh (1965) and it is widely used, for example, in digital image processing for spacial
Definition 7.2 (enumerator)
Let S be a set for which a weight function w : S N is defined. Let S
= {a S : w (a) = n}
be the subset of all elements from S having the weight n, n > 0. If all these subsets of S are
finite, we call the set S admissible with respect to the weight w and define the enumerator of
S as
(z) =
. (7.1)
Similarly, we define the exponential enu merator as
(z) =
. (7.2)
In this definition, the letter z plays a double role: it is not just a mark for distinguishing
elements within the set S according to their weight, but also a variable, which could be used
for algebraic operations. Furthermore, every element of weight n is marked with z

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