
All exercises are available on MyEconLab; *=answer appears at the back of this book; M=mathematical problem.

1. Market Structures

  1. 1.1 Which market structure best describes (a) airplane manufacturing, (b) electricians in a small town, (c) farms that grow tomatoes, and (d) cable television in a city? Why?

2. Cartels

  1. 2.1 Many retail stores offer to match or beat the price offered by a rival store. Explain why firms that belong to a cartel might make this offer.

  2. *2.2 A market has an inverse demand curve p=1002Q[&p|=|100|-|2Q&] and four firms, each of which has a constant marginal cost of MC=20.[&MC|=|20.&] If the firms form a profit-maximizing cartel and agree to operate subject to the constraint that each firm will produce the ...

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