© Cloves Carneiro Jr. and Tim Schmelmer 2016

Cloves Carneiro Jr. and Tim Schmelmer, Microservices From Day One, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1937-9_11

11. Polyglot Services

Cloves CarneiroJr. and Tim Schmelmer2

(1)Hollywood, Florida, USA

(2)Broomfield, Colorado, USA

As laid out in Chapters 4 and 5, applications in a service-oriented architecture can profit greatly from using common protocols and data formats (such as JSON over HTTP), and from choosing a single IDL for interapplication communication.

In this chapter, we lay out why applying uniformity of programming languages, data stores, or other technology components across all the services in your microservices application might not be the best choice.

After looking at the various components in which the ...

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