Chapter 6

Facilitating Meetings and Breakout Sessions


Bullet Knowing the apps and services that support a great Teams meeting experience

Bullet Discovering the ins and outs of Teams meetings

Bullet Breaking a meeting into mini-meetings with breakout sessions

“Dude, you’re muted.”

When offices across the world had to close down and employees had to start working from home because of the recent pandemic, we non-remote workers had to up our online meetings skills really fast while quickly rounding up whatever web conferencing gadgets were still available. As I struggled to adjust to 100-percent remote work, I had a nagging feeling that my seasoned remote worker cohorts were secretly celebrating the battle they’d won in terms of who’s mastered online meetings. I’m sure they thought I looked foolish speaking to my camera while my mic was muted and wondering why people were ignoring me. If “digital transformation” was the buzzword in 2020, so was “Sorry, I was on mute” for a lot of us.

Remember Just as we have to hardwire our brains to remember to unmute our mics, we also need to realize meetings are ...

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