Chapter 16
Creating a Power-Automated Approval Process
Creating a document library to house documents for an approval process
Customizing the template to meet your needs
Integrating the approval process in Teams
The geek I am today is due largely in part to my older brother Jimmy. As the youngest of fourteen children in an eclectic household of mechanics, engineers, artists, bakers, cooks, farmers, and combinations thereof, Jimmy and I grew up with access to tools, oils, car batteries, and flammable materials in our dad’s auto repair shop. Being two years older, Jimmy called the shots. So when he asked me to be his assistant while he made a toy airplane fly by hooking it up to one of the discarded car batteries in the shop, I was all in. What could go wrong, right?
What went wrong was that the battery exploded — spraying acid into Jimmy’s eyes. For several days while my beloved brother was being treated at the local hospital, we were afraid he’d never see again. I wasn’t sure whether it was all our prayers or Jimmy’s fervent and oft-repeated vow to go to church every Sunday for the rest of his life if God would fix his eyes, but much to our relief, Jimmy’s eyes ...
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