Appendix B. Field Reference

This appendix lists all the fields available in Microsoft Office Project 2003, broken down by type of data:

  • Currency

  • Date

  • Duration

  • Enumerated

  • Indicator

  • Integer

  • Outline Code

  • Percentage and Number

  • Text

  • Yes/No (Boolean)

In addition, the following special categories of fields are grouped together for your reference toward the end of this appendix:

  • Custom

  • Earned Value

  • PERT Analysis

Each row in the following tables contains the name of a field in Project 2003 and the category in Microsoft Project to which the field belongs; for example, tasks, resources, and so on. Each row contains a description of the field and the name of the field when it's exposed using the Microsoft Office Project 11.0 OLE DB Provider. ...

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