Adding Tasks to Your Project File

Don’t worry about getting tasks in the right order or giving them the correct structure when you add them to your Project file. You can add additional tasks as you think of them or rearrange tasks (Reorganizing the Task List Outline) anytime after you create them. This section shows you how to create different types of tasks in Project and bring in tasks you’ve documented in another program. To learn how to add summary tasks to your list, see the section Inserting Summary Tasks on page 143.


If you have a handwritten WBS ready to go, flip to the section Building a WBS from the Top Down (page 145) to learn how to quickly enter your summary tasks and work packages.

Creating Tasks

In Project, the table on the left side of Gantt Chart view is the place to be for fast task entry. Here’s how to add tasks in this view:

  1. If you’re not already in Gantt Chart view, then on the ribbon’s Task tab, click the bottom half of the Gantt Chart button (Figure 6-2), and then click Gantt Chart on the drop-down menu that appears.

    Alternatively, on the View tab, click Gantt Chart, and then choose Gantt Chart.

    Commonly used views appear on this drop-down menu, where you can choose the view you want. If the view you want isn’t listed on this menu, choose More Views. In the More Views dialog box that appears, select the view you’re after, and then click Apply.

    Figure 6-2. Commonly used views appear on this drop-down menu, where you can choose the view you want. If the view you want isn’t listed on this menu, choose More Views. In the More Views dialog box that appears, select the view you’re after, and then click Apply.

  2. In the ...

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