Chapter 6
Check Out This View!
Finding your way around Project
Exploring Project views
Personalizing views for your needs
In Project, a view is a way to display task and resource information. It’s essentially a template with a predetermined set of columns in the worksheet, a way to enter data in a pane, or a way to view data in a chart. Though earlier chapters in this book describe how to enter task information into a worksheet in Gantt Chart view (the default view and the most common view), it is by no means the only way to look at data in Project. Project has lots and lots of different views that you can use to look at and analyze your project data.
After you know how to enter basic task information into Project, you can begin to display the information in different ways. First, I give you a high-level explanation of views and then dip into more detail about the more common views. Though I can’t possibly cover every combination of data that you might want to see, I show you how to customize the views in Project to look at data in the way that best suits your needs at the time.
A Project with a View
Views organize data so that you can see information in logical ...
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