654 Index
Kerberos tokens, 186
library access through, 185–87
proxy requests, 186
Packaging Web Parts, 375–78
Page layouts, 400–402
content type, 400
creating, 402
defined, 23, 400
page association with, 109
page instantiation from, 401
as template files, 402
application, 273
authoritative, 131
creating, 109–11
customizing, 475
editing, 111
ghosted, 386
properties, 112
resetting to site definition version, 387
uncustomizing, 475
unghosted, 386
Web Part, 157–58
Passive analyzing, 232
Pathway to production, 230–31
People, 143–62
People picker, 161–62
People Web service, 300
Performance monitoring, 232–35
counters, 234–35
future bottlenecks, 234
strategy, 233–34
Performance testing
methodology, 196–97
Web Parts, 194–95
granular, 42–43
individual, 37, 38
list level, 39
MOSS, 71–72
site, 40–41
Permissions Web service, 300
Personalization site links, 159
Personalization site template, 159
Personal portal, 152–55
Pivot searches, 140
Portal, 6
collaboration, 78–81, 403, 407, 447
defined, 6
personal, 152–53
site definitions, 446
Postbacks, 563
Forms Services requirement, 565
settings, 564
PowerPoint 2007, 182
Product Support Services (PSS), 230–31
PROFILES site definition, 432
Programmability, 267–307
Project element, 448–49
Project task lists, 67
Properties element, 479
PropertyConstants class, 297
Protocol handlers, 117–18
Provision files, 460
PST files, 176–77
Public folders, permissions/roles, 546
Public key token, extracting, 349–50
Published Links Web service, 301
Publishing Excel workbooks, 165–66
Publishing infrastructure feature, 389–980
PublishingLayouts Feature, 464–66
Publishing page rendering, 402, 403
Publishing Portal template, 107
PUBLISHING site definition, 432
Publishing sites, 107–9
illustrated, 108
Pages document library, 109
Publishing Wizard, 587
QueryOverride property, 332–33
CAML query format, 332–33
defined, 328
illustrated, 333
ViewFieldsOverride property with, 334
See also Content query Web Part
Quiescing, 601–3
defined, 601
entire form, 604
form templates, 603
Quota management, 217
RACI charts, 228
Really Simple Syndication (RSS), 53–55
in blogging environments, 193
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