Index 659
STS site definition, 434, 436
Submit button, 639
Support planning, 222–32
active monitoring, 231–32
call volume, 228–29
operational model, 224–26
operational team, 229–30
passive analyzing, 232
pathway to production, 230–31
SLAs, 226–28
strategies, 222–24
See also SharePoint deployment
Synchronization process, 176–77
Synchronous events, 514
error message display capability, 517
as processing events, 514
System master, 393
Table of contents Web Part, 76
Tab le s
SiteMap, 20, 21
Webs, 21
Taxonom ies, 115
Team collaboration lists, 24
contents, 24
defined, 24
example, 25
illustrated, 25
See also Lists
Team-process automation, 617
Te mp l a te s
application, 446–47
collaboration portal, 78–81
custom, 385
form, 559, 561
list, 537–38
MOSS, 77–81
personalization site, 159
publishing site, 107–9
report site, 171–73
site, 435–40
workflow, 620
Test.master master page, 392
Text boxes, 297
Themes, 411–20
colliding, 416
creating, 415–18
folders, 415
inconsistent branding with, 416
multiple, using, 420
setting, 413
SharePoint Server 2007, 412
use decision, 418–20
See also Branding
Three-state workflow, 619–21
association, 620
configuration, 621
defined, 619
Feature representation, 622
See also Workflow
Throughput estimation, 197–200
number of hours per day, 199
number of operations, 198–99
number of users, 198
peak factor, 199
percent of active users, 198
for WSS, 206
Tiered operational model, 225–26
Tool p a n e s
custom property presentation, 363, 364
illustrated, 364
interface, 362
Tree View, 27, 28, 407
Unghosted pages, 386
Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), 15–16
searches, 130
site collection, 19
WSS handling, 16
UninstallFeature command, 491, 496
Universal Data Connection (UDC) files, 575, 576
convert data connection to, 577
use advantages, 575–76
Unstructured workflow, 617
URL depth, 119
User-deployed forms, 586
User form template deployment, 586–96
to document library, 587–92
options, 587
to site content type, 592–94
successful, 591
See also Form templates
User Profile Change Web service, 302
UserProfileManager class, 297
User profiles, 144–52
defined, 144
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