13.6 Connecting Web Parts 371
Chapter 13
tion interfaces that allowed Web Parts to communicate with one another at
run time. The great thing about this was that the Web Parts could be devel-
oped independently of one another and could ultimately share information
if they both supported the same interfaces. The interfaces provided with
the previous version of SharePoint derived from the
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication namespace and
was implemented in a provider/consumer interface pair that was used to
complete the communication sequence. For example, the
interface allowed communication with other Web Parts that implemented
ICellConsumer interface. Keeping track of the supported connection
interface pairs proved to be quite cumbersome, and the overall communi-
cation architecture was overly complex. With Windows SharePoint Ser-
vices 3.0 and SharePoint Server 2007, Web Part connections still play a
predominant role in Web Part development; however, the connection
architecture has been revamped and now implements the standard
ASP.NET 2.0 interface, thereby removing a lot of the complexity. The
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.Communication namespace is still
supported, but it is only recommended for backward compatibility. When
developing Web Part connections for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
and SharePoint Server 2007, you should use the attributes and interfaces
defined in the
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts namespace.
When developing connectable Web Parts, you can create a custom con-
nection interface to communicate with other Web Parts, or you can leverage
the standard interfaces provided by the
namespace. Creating your own custom connection interface has the
advantage of being very easy to implement. However, the disadvantage is that
your Web Part can only communicate with other Web Parts that implement
the same custom interface; the Web Part will not be able to communicate
with the default SharePoint Web Parts, such as the Shared Documents Web
Table 13.3 Connection Interfaces
Connection Interface Description
IWebPartField Defines a provider/consumer interface for connecting
Web Parts using a single field of data.
IWebPartRow Defines a provider/consumer interface for connecting
Web Parts using a row of data.
IWebPartTable Defines a provider/consumer interface for connecting
Web Parts using a table of data.
IWebPartParameters Defines a provider/consumer interface for connecting
Web Parts by mapping a set of fields from one Web Part to
372 13.6 Connecting Web Parts
Part. Creating Web Parts that implement the standard connection interfaces
are more complex to develop, however they have the added advantage of
being able to communicate with both custom Web Parts and the default
SharePoint Web Parts that implement the same interfaces. Table 13.3 lists the
connection interfaces available for use when developing Web Part connec-
tions. A Web Part that implements any of these interfaces can communicate
with other Web Parts that implement the same interface. For example, if you
create a Web Part that implements the
IWebPartField provider interface,
then it can communicate with another Web Part on the page that imple-
ments the
IWebPartField consumer interface.
Figure 13.63 shows an example of a Web Part, named
SendUrl, which
implements the
IWebPartField provider connection interface to provide a
URL to consuming Web Parts. It is up to the consuming Web Part how it
intends to use the URL. For example, the Image Web Part can consume the
URL provided by the
SendUrl Web Part. Figure 13.64 shows the resulting
output for the
SendUrl Web Part; the Web Part has been connected to the
image Web Part through the browser user interface. The
and ConnectionConsumer attributes enable the connections offered
by the Web Part. In our example, we use the
ConnectionProvider attribute
to enable the
SendUrl Web Part to provide data to other consumer Web
Parts. A Web Part can support both provider and consumer connections.
For Web Parts to communicate with one another, they must be able to
understand one another, and generally this means that they should imple-
ment the same connection interface. The connection interface could be a
custom interface or one of the standard interfaces provided by ASP.NET 2.0,
such as the
IWebPartField interface. However, there are times when you
will want two Web Parts that implement different interfaces to be able to
share information. In these situations, both ASP.NET 2.0 and SharePoint
provide a number of extended connections, known as transformers. For
example, ASP.NET 2.0 provides the
RowToFieldTransformer and the
RowToParametersTransformer, which allow a Web Part that has imple-
mented the
IWebPartField connection interface to communicate with a
Web Part that has implemented the
IWebPartRow connection interface, and
vice versa. The
Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages namespace provides
a transformer named
ITransformableFilterValues, which allows you to
create provider and consumer Web Parts for filtering purposes. For example,
if you wanted to filter the contents of a list Web Part with a selection made in
your custom provider Web Part, you could use the
transformer to handle the filtering. The main point here is that even
when you have Web Parts that implement different connection interfaces,
there are ways to enable communication between them.
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