subject to spontaneous degradation. Therefore living organisms must spend some energy to fight accu-
mulating disorder, for example to repair damage by replacing some ‘broken’ macromolecules, etc. [17].
A characteristic measure of the rate of energy consumption, or power, by living organisms is their
metabolic heat rate. Studies across a broad spectrum of the organisms have revealed a striking
observation that their mean metabolic rates are confined in a narrow range between 0.3 and 9 Watts per
kilogram of body mass [12]. Table 1.1 presents examples of mass, size, and power consumption of the
cell, averaged within different taxonomic groups (the numbers were derived from [12]).
It is interesting to estimate the rate of energy consumption of the cellular structure of the human
body. First, note that approximately 70% of the living cell (‘wet mass’) is due to water. Therefore as an
order-of-magnitude estimate, it is reasonable to assume that the cell has a ‘wet’ mass density close to
the density of water (1 gram/cm
). Thus, a cell with a size of 10
m has a mass of 1 ng or 10
Now, since a typical weight of a human can range between 50 and 100 kg, an approximate number of
cells in the body is 5 10
, as is consistent with numbers in the literature. Next, since the
average power consumption per cell in mammals is 4 10
W(Table 1.1), multiplying this rate by
the number of cells results in 200–400 W for human power consumption. By comparison, the average
power per person can be derived from medical studies of daily energy intake as follows. The typical
total energy expenditure of men aged 30–39 years is 14.3 MJ/day ¼ 3400 kcal/day [18]. Thus the
corresponding average power is P ¼ E/t ¼ 14.3 MJ/(24 h 3600 s) ~165 W.s.
The two different estimates for human power consumption differ by about a factor of 2. The difference
is in part due to variation in the size and in energy consumption rates of various human cells. Also, the
number assumed for human cell power in Table 1.1 is an average across many different mammals [12].
1.4.1 Cardiac pacemakers
This class of devices repres ent s an example of successful commercia l iz at io n fo r impl ant ab le
bioelectronic systems. It also is a clear illustration of how the success of miniaturization in
Table 1.1 Examples of mass, size, and power consumption of the cell, averaged within different
taxonomic groups
Cell average within
different taxonomic
groups Wet mass, kg Volume,
m Power, W
Prokaryote 2 10
2 1.3 10
Cyanobacteria 7 10
70 4 2.5 10
Eukariotic microalgae 6 10
6000 18 5 10
Protozoa 3 10
3 10
32 2.5 10
Human cells 10
1000 ~10 4 10
(Source: [12])
1.4 Current status of technologies for autonomous microsystems 9

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