Migration to WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5

Book description

This IBM Redbooks publication provides assistance in migrating to version 5 of the WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker and making use of the vast array of new tools and functions it includes.
It begins with an overview of the BI Message Broker solution, which plays a key role in the integration of disparate applications and platforms by providing function and transport capabilities to support and facilitate enterprise-level business integration. New features and enhanced capabilities in the latest release are introduced. The book then describes how to install and configure the prerequisite software, and provides instructions for working with the Business Integration toolkit.
Migration from products in the WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1 family to those in the WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5 is discussed in extensive detail. This book guides the reader through every step of planning and implementing a migration project. It covers generic and platform-specific considerations, then offers detailed scenarios which demonstrate the migration process on each major platform.
V5 enhancements are discussed, particularly the new functions in message flows and the use of the Message Repository Manager. Practical examples are presented to help the reader get immediate benefits from these capabilities. New tools for debugging, version control, and administration and accounting are also described. Methods for enabling Web services and using the WebSphere transports complete the coverage of V5 features and benefits.

Please note that the additional material referenced in the text is not available from IBM.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Part 1: Introduction and overview
    1. Chapter 1: WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5 features overview
      1. WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker basics
      2. Message Brokers Toolkit
      3. Configuration Manager overview
      4. Broker overview
      5. Publish/Subscribe applications
      6. Message flow overview
    2. Chapter 2: What’s new in Version 5
      1. New nodes in the toolkit
        1. Mapping node
        2. XMLTransformation node
        3. Transport nodes
        4. User-defined nodes and parsers
      2. What’s different from WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1
      3. What’s new in ESQL
        1. XML namespace support
        2. SQL schemas and modules
        3. ESQL modules and module-level variables
        4. Enhanced bitstream handling
        5. Enhanced (new) string functions
        6. Enhanced (new) numeric functions
      4. What’s different in ESQL
        1. Debugger
      5. What’s new with the MRM
      6. What’s different with the MRM
      7. Debugging and problem solving facilities
        1. The workbench tasks view
      8. Version control and configuration management
      9. User-defined nodes
      10. Administration
      11. Support for accounting and statistics data
    3. Chapter 3: Installation and verification
      1. Setting up a standalone development system
      2. Installing base required software
      3. Installing MDAC Version 2.7 SP1
      4. Installing IBM Agent Controller
      5. Installing WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker (1/2)
      6. Installing WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker (2/2)
        1. Installation
        2. Registering the purchased licenses
      7. Create the default configuration (1/5)
      8. Create the default configuration (2/5)
      9. Create the default configuration (3/5)
      10. Create the default configuration (4/5)
      11. Create the default configuration (5/5)
        1. Using the Getting Started Wizard
        2. Using a sample application
    4. Chapter 4: Working with the WebSphere Business Integration Toolkit
      1. Getting started
      2. Creating a message flow project
        1. Examining the Toolkit view
        2. Creating a new message flow project
      3. Creating a message flow (1/4)
      4. Creating a message flow (2/4)
      5. Creating a message flow (3/4)
      6. Creating a message flow (4/4)
        1. Message flow design
        2. Building the message flow
      7. Deploying a message flow (1/3)
      8. Deploying a message flow (2/3)
      9. Deploying a message flow (3/3)
        1. Creating queue resources
        2. Creating the broker archive file
        3. Connecting to a Configuration Manager
        4. Deploying a bar file
        5. Checking the deployment
      10. Testing a message flow (1/3)
      11. Testing a message flow (2/3)
      12. Testing a message flow (3/3)
        1. Creating a test file
        2. Putting a test message
        3. Browsing a message
  4. Part 2: Migrating to Version 5
    1. Chapter 5: Migration considerations
      1. Introduction and road map
      2. Supported environments
      3. Some general considerations
      4. Types of resources to be migrated
    2. Chapter 6: Planning for migration
      1. Topology and migration goals
      2. Software levels on existing platforms
      3. Migration planning details
    3. Chapter 7: Migrating resources (common to all platforms)
      1. DB2 backup
      2. Message flow export from Version 2
      3. Message flow import into Version 5
      4. Message flow migration notes
        1. Promoted property name
        2. Converting Version 2.1 names that are not valid
      5. Message set export from Version 2
      6. Message set import into Version 5
      7. Message set migration notes (1/2)
      8. Message set migration notes (2/2)
        1. What the mqsimigratemsgsets command creates
        2. Embedded simple type
        3. Compound type with an MRM base type
        4. Migrating the message sets
      9. Post migration activities
      10. Checkpoint
    4. Chapter 8: A Windows migration scenario
      1. Getting Started
      2. Removing Version 2.1
        1. Uninstalling WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1
      3. Software installation
        1. Installing WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker
      4. Configuration
        1. Migrating the broker database tables
      5. Completing the migration
    5. Chapter 9: A Windows with Rules & Formatter Extension migration scenario
      1. Base system
        1. Preparing for migration
        2. Removing WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1
      2. WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker installation
      3. Rules & Formatter Extension installation
        1. Installing the Rules & Formatter Runtime Engine
        2. Installing the Rules & Formatter Design-Time Tooling
        3. Install verification
        4. Post-install activities
      4. Completing the migration
        1. Importing a message flow
        2. Starting up
      5. Migrating the broker (1/2)
      6. Migrating the broker (2/2)
        1. Preparing to deploy
        2. Deploying to the migrated broker
      7. Something to watch out for
    6. Chapter 10: An AIX migration scenario
      1. Introduction
      2. Getting Started
      3. Reviewing the existing installation
      4. Uninstalling WebSphere MQ Integrator
      5. Software installation (1/2)
      6. Software installation (2/2)
        1. Text-mode versus graphical mode
        2. Installing IBM Agent Controller
        3. Installing WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker
        4. Installing CSD01
      7. Configuration
        1. Registering processors
        2. Updating ODBC settings
        3. Updating XA settings
        4. Migrating the broker database tables
      8. Completing the migration
        1. Starting the broker
    7. Chapter 11: A z/OS migration scenario
      1. Preparing to migrate the z/OS broker
      2. Installing the new software
      3. Migrating the z/OS broker (1/2)
      4. Migrating the z/OS broker (2/2)
        1. Create new broker partitioned data set & USS broker directory
        2. Create the broker files and edit mqsicompcif
        3. Migrating the broker database
        4. Complete the migration
    8. Chapter 12: Migrating the Configuration Manager
      1. Starting configuration
      2. Pre-migration tasks
        1. Shutting down & deleting existing MQ Integrator V2.1 resources
      3. Uninstalling WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1 (1/2)
      4. Uninstalling WebSphere MQ Integrator V2.1 (2/2)
        1. Installing for Configuration Manager migration
      5. Migrating the Configuration Manager
      6. Connecting to the migrated Configuration Manager (1/2)
      7. Connecting to the migrated Configuration Manager (2/2)
        1. Migrating the message flows and message sets
        2. Starting the User Name Server and establishing communication with a broker
        3. Redeploying the migrated message flows and message sets
  5. Part 3: Using Version 5 new functions
    1. Chapter 13: The Message Broker Toolkit
      1. General concepts
      2. Common broker perspectives
      3. Help system
      4. Preference management
      5. Searching resources
      6. Exporting resources to the file system
      7. Importing resources from the file system
    2. Chapter 14: Exploring new functions in message flows
      1. Mappings and the Mapping node (1/4)
      2. Mappings and the Mapping node (2/4)
      3. Mappings and the Mapping node (3/4)
      4. Mappings and the Mapping node (4/4)
        1. A word about message mapping
        2. The Mapping editor
        3. Prerequisites
        4. Mappings file
        5. An illustration using the DataInsert node
        6. Configuring the DataInsert node
        7. Examining the Mapping node
        8. A final thought
      5. XMLTransformation node
        1. Stylesheet location
        2. Configuring the XMLTransformation node
      6. Transport nodes (1/3)
      7. Transport nodes (2/3)
      8. Transport nodes (3/3)
        1. HTTPInput node
        2. Configuring the HTTPInput node
        3. Modifying the HTTP listener port
        4. HTTPReply node
        5. HTTPRequest node
        6. WebSphere MQ Real-time Transport
        7. Real-timeInput node
        8. Real-timeOptimizedFlow node
        9. WebSphere MQ Multicast Transport
      9. User-supplied nodes and parsers (1/3)
      10. User-supplied nodes and parsers (2/3)
      11. User-supplied nodes and parsers (3/3)
        1. Migrating user-defined nodes
      12. New ESQL (1/3)
      13. New ESQL (2/3)
      14. New ESQL (3/3)
        1. The ESQL Editor
        2. More on ESQL statements and constructs
        3. Namespace support
        4. XMLNS domain
        5. Bitstream handling
        6. String functions
        7. Numeric functions
        8. Database interaction
        9. Miscellaneous
    3. Chapter 15: The Message Repository Manager (MRM)
      1. Business scenario
      2. Overview of the MRM
        1. Repository
        2. Message set project
        3. Message set
        4. Message definition files
        5. Message category files
        6. Model importers
        7. Model editors
        8. Model generators
        9. Model validators
      3. Creating the message set (1/2)
      4. Creating the message set (2/2)
      5. Modeling the existing message
        1. Message modeling concepts
        2. Global and local objects
        3. Simple types available for modeling
        4. Initial logical message model
        5. Initial implementation design decisions
      6. Creating the message definition (1/3)
      7. Creating the message definition (2/3)
      8. Creating the message definition (3/3)
        1. Creating the message definition file
        2. Creating the message
      9. Generating external information
        1. Message dictionary generation
        2. Message set documentation generation
        3. XML Schema generation
        4. Web Service Definition Language generation
      10. Generating internal documentation for the model (1/2)
      11. Generating internal documentation for the model (2/2)
        1. Generating message set documentation as HTML
        2. Generating XML Schemas
      12. Message model importers
        1. Consideration for importing COBOL and C structures
        2. Considerations for importing XML schema and XML DTD files
      13. Importing an XML Schema (1/2)
      14. Importing an XML Schema (2/2)
      15. Namespaces
        1. The message model
      16. Creating the new message set with namespaces
      17. New message design
      18. Creating namespaced message definition files
      19. Value constraints
        1. Length constraints
        2. Range constraints
        3. Enumeration constraints
        4. Precision constraints
        5. Pattern constraints
      20. Populating the Passenger message definition (1/3)
      21. Populating the Passenger message definition (2/3)
      22. Populating the Passenger message definition (3/3)
        1. Creating a global simple type
        2. Referencing a global type
        3. Creating a global element with a global type
        4. Adding enumerations
        5. Adding a reference to a global element
        6. Adding the Passenger global element
      23. Populating Flight message definition
      24. Populating the PassengerReservation (1/2)
      25. Populating the PassengerReservation (2/2)
        1. Importing message definition files
        2. Adding a complex type
        3. Create a schema
      26. Testing a simple message flow (1/3)
      27. Testing a simple message flow (2/3)
      28. Testing a simple message flow (3/3)
        1. Create the required test environment
        2. Test using rfhutil
    4. Chapter 16: Debugging the WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker
      1. The Message Flow debugger (1/2)
      2. The Message Flow debugger (2/2)
        1. Opening the debug perspective
        2. Setting breakpoints in a flow
        3. Attaching to the flow runtime
        4. Running a test
        5. Ending a debug session
      3. The tasks view
        1. Using the task list
    5. Chapter 17: Version control
      1. Installing the CVS server for Windows 2000 (1/2)
      2. Installing the CVS server for Windows 2000 (2/2)
      3. Version control in the Message Brokers Toolkit (1/6)
      4. Version control in the Message Brokers Toolkit (2/6)
      5. Version control in the Message Brokers Toolkit (3/6)
      6. Version control in the Message Brokers Toolkit (4/6)
      7. Version control in the Message Brokers Toolkit (5/6)
      8. Version control in the Message Brokers Toolkit (6/6)
        1. Using the local history feature
        2. Using the team CVS features
      9. Version control and deployment scenarios
    6. Chapter 18: Administration
      1. Broker Administration
        1. Setting up the environment
      2. Broker Administration perspective (1/4)
      3. Broker Administration perspective (2/4)
      4. Broker Administration perspective (3/4)
      5. Broker Administration perspective (4/4)
        1. Overview of the Broker Administration perspective
        2. Working with the Broker Administration perspective
      6. Message Flow application deployment
        1. Deployment features
        2. Command line deployment
        3. Working with mqsideploy
      7. Commands
    7. Chapter 19: Accounting and statistics
      1. Introduction
      2. Collecting accounting data
        1. Data written to the user trace log
        2. Data published to a queue in XML format
    8. Chapter 20: Using the transports
      1. WebSphere MQ Real-time transport (1/2)
      2. WebSphere MQ Real-time transport (2/2)
        1. How to enable Real-time transport in a message flow
        2. How to enable Real-time transport in a JMS Client
        3. Securing Real-time transport connections
      3. WebSphere MQ Multicast transport (1/3)
      4. WebSphere MQ Multicast transport (2/3)
      5. WebSphere MQ Multicast transport (3/3)
        1. How reliable multicast works
        2. Enabling Multicast transport in the Broker
        3. Enabling Multicast in a JMS client
      6. WebSphere MQ Web Services transport (1/2)
      7. WebSphere MQ Web Services transport (2/2)
        1. Enabling Web Services transport in a message flow
        2. Demonstrating the HTTP nodes using a Web browser
      8. HTTP tunnelling and connect-via-proxy
        1. Setting HTTP tunnelling in flows
        2. Using HTTP tunnelling and connect-via-proxy in clients
    9. Chapter 21: Web services and HTTP support
      1. An overview of Web services
      2. The broker and Web services (1/2)
      3. The broker and Web services (2/2)
        1. Which nodes to use?
      4. Building a simple Web services example (1/6)
      5. Building a simple Web services example (2/6)
      6. Building a simple Web services example (3/6)
      7. Building a simple Web services example (4/6)
      8. Building a simple Web services example (5/6)
      9. Building a simple Web services example (6/6)
        1. Be a service
        2. Call a service
  6. Part 4: Appendixes
    1. Appendix A: Updating Toolkit Features
      1. Updating features with the update manager
    2. Appendix B: Additional material
      1. Locating the Web material
      2. Using the Web material
      3. System requirements for downloading the Web material
      4. How to use the Web material
  7. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
  8. Index (1/3)
  9. Index (2/3)
  10. Index (3/3)
  11. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: Migration to WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker V5
  • Author(s): Lee Gavin, Jill Lennon, Phil Bareham, Dick Lennon, Mark Phillips, Andy Piper, Ross Shaw, Hisako Takubo, Peter von Hirschfeld
  • Release date: June 2004
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None