KDE Plasma Desktop, 51–52

Keep my files option, 557

Kerberos authentication, 712, 1014

kernels, 776

key fobs

authentication, 988

RFID, 989

Keyboard Control Panel applet, 318

keyboard, video, mouse (KVM) switches, 324


AT motherboards, 162–163

BIOS, 136

controllers, 131–134

display options, 809

mobile devices, 857–858

on-screen, 391

overview, 317–320

portable devices, 805

power management, 817

replacing, 827

ROM, 134–135

settings, 359

shortcuts, 522

troubleshooting, 833

UEFI, 135

Keychain feature, 416–417, 859

keyloggers, 994

keys, encryption, 894

kibi prefix, 71

kill command, 525

kilobytes, 70

knowledge bases, 1034

knowledge factor in authentication, 900

Konsole Terminal, 497

KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) switches, 324


L1 cache ...

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