Misinformation Matters

Book description

This book answers questions such as What is ‘misinformation’? Why does it matter? How does it spread on the internet? How can we counteract its worst effects? The text ends with an author-designed, practical, easy-to-use model allowing users to effectively analyse the quality of trending content.

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Half Title page
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
  7. About the Authors
  8. 1 Introduction
    1. Online Platforms’ Existential Crisis
    2. Economic Impact of Misinformation
    3. Falsehood Travels Fast
    4. The Algorithmic Age
    5. Computationalism
    6. Notes
  9. 2 Background
    1. A Brief History of Falsehood Propagation
      1. The Invention of the Printing Press and (Mis)information Propagation
      2. From Mass Media to Fragmented Media
      3. Social Media’s Turn from Democracy to Authoritarianism
      4. Propaganda
      5. Crisis Discipline
    2. Note
  10. 3 A Philosophical Approach
    1. Facts, Belief, Opinion and Truth
      1. Leibniz and Frege on “Truth” and “Fact”
      2. Checking for “Truth” and “Fact” Online through Analysis
    2. Decision and Action
      1. William James’ Live/Dead Hypotheses
      2. W.V. Quine on Two Dogmas Obstructing Pragmatism
      3. Bertrand Russell’s Scepticism
      4. Frank Ramsey’s Principle
      5. The Connection between Wittgenstein and Ramsey
    3. Philosophy of Information
      1. Our Own Model
    4. Note
  11. 4 Interventions
    1. Content Moderation
    2. Behavioural Nudges
    3. Information Quality Ranking versus Algorithmic Ranking
      1. How Facebook’s News Feed Works (Facebook 2021)
      2. Twitter’s Switch to Algorithmic Ranking of Content
      3. Vanity Metrics and Quality Metrics
      4. Bridging-Based Ranking of Content
      5. Algorithmic Choice
    4. Receptive Reading and Participatory Restraint
    5. Media/Information/News/Digital Literacy
    6. Natural Language Processing, AI and Misinformation Prevention
      1. GPT-3 Language Model
  12. 5 Analysing the Problem
    1. Origins of Modern Logic and Language Processing Systems
      1. The Chomsky-Norvig Debate
      2. AI Limitations and Prospects
    2. Father of the Information Age
    3. Information Quality Theory
    4. Free Speech and the Harm Principle
      1. The Harm Principle 2.0
      2. Free Speech, Free Reach, Free Expression and Free Impression
    5. The Misinformation Challenge
      1. A Systems Approach to Misinformation Analysis
    6. Misinformation and Malinformation
    7. Off-information and Non-information
    8. Wittgenstein’s Approach
      1. The Key Theses in Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus
    9. Notes
  13. 6 The Global Online Information Quality Check Model
    1. How Does This Analytical Model Work?
      1. We Foresee Three Ways of Using Our Proposed Model
  14. 7 Conclusion
  15. Appendix Detailed Survey Questions and Results
    1. Survey Question 1
    2. Survey Question 2
    3. Survey Question 3
    4. Survey Question 4
    5. Survey Question 5
    6. Survey Question 6
    7. Survey Question 7
    8. Survey Question 8
    9. Survey Question 9
    10. Survey Question 10
  16. Glossary of Terms
  17. Bibliography
  18. Further Reading
    1. A Misinformation Prevention Reading List
      1. I. Books
      2. II. Reports/Monographs/Manuals/Government Documents
      3. III. Papers/Articles
      4. IV. Blog Posts/Opinion
      5. V. More Advanced Material
  19. Index

Product information

  • Title: Misinformation Matters
  • Author(s): Uyiosa Omoregie, Kirsti Ryall
  • Release date: April 2023
  • Publisher(s): CRC Press
  • ISBN: 9781000863901