name attribute (XML Schema)
of element clause, 141
of key clause, 172–173
of keyref clause, 173
of unique clause, 171
Name built-in constructed data type (XML Schema), 132
name classes (Relax NG)
combining, 244–246
generic, 243–244
overview, 243
scoped names, 244
name property (XML)
of unexpanded entity reference, 97
of unparsed entity, 99
named patterns (Relax NG)
nesting grammars, 231–233
overview, 229–231
recursive structures using, 231
redefining, 234
of AOM arc roles, 52
of AOM models, 66
qualified and unqualified (XML Schema), 180–182
of Relax NG elements, 216
namespace attributes property of elements (XML), 95–96
namespace name property (XML)
of attributes, 96
of elements, 95
of namespace, 99
namespaces (AOM) ...
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