Table of Contents
1.2.1. The moving average (MA) model
1.2.2. The autoregressive (AR) model
1.3. Observations on stability, stationarity and invertibility
1.4. The AR model or the ARMA model?
1.5.1. The relevance of the sinusoidal model
1.6. State space representations
1.6.2. State space representations based on differential equation representation
1.6.3. Resolution of the state equations
1.6.4. State equations for a discrete-time system
1.6.5. Some properties of systems described in the state space Plurality of the state space representation of the system
1.6.6. Case 1: state space representation of AR processes
1.6.7. Case 2: state space representation of MA processes
1.6.8. Case 3: state space representation of ARMA processes
1.6.9. Case 4: state space representation of a noisy process An AR process disturbed by a white noise AR process disturbed by colored noise itself modeled by another AR process AR process disturbed by colored noise itself modeled by a MA process
Chapter 2. Least Squares Estimation of Parameters of Linear Models
2.2. Least squares estimation of AR parameters
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