Appendix A
Karhunen Loeve Transform
Let us consider N consecutive samples of a random sequence {y(k)}k=0,...,N–1. Our purpose is to decompose this sequence into a set of independent orthonormal functions Ψi(k), as follows:
As a preamble, let us define the various notations we will use in the rest of this analysis.
First, the functions Ψi(k) satisfy the following condition:
where δij denotes the Kronecker symbol. It is equal to 1 when i = j and 0 otherwise.
The above equation can equivalently be written in the matrix form as follows:
where * denotes the complex conjugate of .
Moreover, the projection coefficients ki satisfy the following relation:
The above equation can be written as follows:
The coefficients ki are random variables because the sequence {y(k)}k=0,...,N–1
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