K 1. Symbol for cathode or dielectric constant. 2. Letter symbol for kelvin or kilo. 3. Abbreviation for luminosity factor. 4. In a calculator, a fixed number (a constant) that can be used repetitively. 4. Symbol for 103. When referring to bits or words, K = 1024. A 4 K chip is a 4 K-bit chip. A 4 K memory is a 4 K-word memory (typically 4 K bytes). 5. When referring to memory storage capacity, 210; in decimal notation, 1024.

k Letter symbol for kilo-.

kA Letter symbol for kiloampere.

Ka band The frequency band from 18 to 31 GHz.

Karnaugh map A display of a truth table in a way such that reduction (simplification) of a Boolean expression is facilitated. It consists of a rectangular or square array (depending on the number of variables) ...

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